Miriam grew up in London, and attended Hasmonean High school. Miriam attended Bnos Chava seminary in Jerusalem, where she studied Jewish philosophy and Jewish thought. Miriam married her husband Rabi Zvi Gefen, spending several years in Israel, and working for Birthright Israel Shabbat experience. Leading the Shabbatons together with Zvi and then directing follow up with students after the trip. Whist in Israel Miriam enjoyed hosting large crowds for Shabbos. This then to lead to the development of her ice cream business, Scoops.
In 2014 Miriam, together with Zvi and their children moved to Whitefield, Manchester together opening their home as the local hub of Jewish activity.
Miriam has a wealth of experience teaching brides and pre - marriage classes. She is extremely passionate about sharing perspectives on relationships, parenting and marriage.