Did Moses really exist? Did the Exodus really happen? Have archaeologists debunked and disproven the Bible?
This 9-part course unpacks The Bible Unearthed, a documentary by archaeologists Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe analyses the arguments of biblical minimalists and asks whether the critiques against the authenticity of the Bible are solid. Is the Bible the calling of God, or is it the fabrication of man?
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is the Executive Director of Aish UK. He holds a BA in Philosophy from University College London and an MPhil in Philosophy from Birkbeck College. He studied for a decade in Israel in various Talmudic institutes and is considered one of the most dynamic Jewish speakers in the UK, teaching in campuses, communities and schools across the country.
Rabbi Rowe is known for his ability to tackle difficult topics and has numerous videos and articles online. In 2016, Rabbi Rowe took part in a live televised debate with a leading atheist, dubbed "The God Debate".
Rabbi Rowe has played an instrumental role in the creation and development of many organisations and initiatives such as the Forum for Jewish Leadership, the Aleinu Conference and Shabbat UK.
Who are the biblical minimalists and what do they believe? In this video, Daniel starts by assuming the Bible is not historic.
Did a later author write the Bible and project ideas back into the text? Daniel looks at some of the clues that seem to contradict this claim.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Daniel examines recent archaeological finds that refute some major claims of biblical minimalists.
Details matter. Daniel examines archaeological finds that may actually prove the beginning of religion.
Is there any evidence for the Exodus? In this video, Daniel examines an unlikely source in developing his counterclaim.
Could wind pressures explain the narrative of splitting the sea, as described in the Torah? Daniel draws on scientific research into this question.
Daniel argues there is clear evidence from the migration of Israelites into Egypt all the way through to reaching the Land of Israel which perfectly matches the biblical narrative.
Who wrote Deuteronomy? How do we know? In this video, Daniel refutes the claims made by biblical minimalists about the authorship of this book.
Is there a rational basis to consider that the Bible is a Divine text? In this final episode, Daniel gives compelling reasons to support his claim.